This one seems to be taking a life of its own. Continuing in the spirit of my previous post about innocent drinks and help remedies, here is another cute, soulful, passionate and transparent FMCG firm called method -, into household cleaning stuff. According to their website, they are the fastest growing FMCG company in the US and their mission is to give face lift to the household cleaning industry.
And alongside is a remarkable post from Piers Fawkes at PSFK on the future of large FMCG a la P&G, Unilever etc.
More and more consumers appear to be attracted to ‘real’ brands - brands with soul, history and substance - brands like Innocent Drinks or Method soap. These brands live because they reflect the values of the management and staff and the transparency generated by the web helps fuel the love of them.
Company brand building is here to stay and the habit purchase FMCG is the last frontier that is at least beginning to get seriously repositioned by the entry of these maverick firms....