Can a corporation/a brand, in these complex and dynamic times with short managerial tenures realistically aim for long range strategic planning and 5-10 year objectives with roadmaps? Can they hope to get some where that is clearly articulated way down into the future or do they have to decide and be in that space from day one? Are great brand built as a result of getting somewhere or being someone?
I am deeply sceptical of long-term planning lead approaches...do we even know what course our life will take 3 months down the line (provided we are playing a dynamic game)....
The only approach for corporations would be to discover and articulate 'a way of being' for themselves that inspires them to be at their best. Lets look at a few illustrations of the way of being- Apple is being creative all the time across all its functions- whether it is designing a pc or launching a new product like ipod or conceptualizing its retail experience, TATA is about being responsible, Reliance is about being wealthcreating... the more consistently a corporation is being itself across all its activities (and communication is just the front end) the greater its chance of achieving true uniqueness...so now the question arises how does a brand discover its way of being! Can you look at the most powerful, iconic brands and distinguish a consistent way of being?
Watch out for more on this as this space unfolds...